Welcome to ‘Handadoc Client’ documentation!

handadoc_client is the command line tool for a minimalistic documentation webserver based on django.

Handing over a documentation.


Install the latest release from pip.

$ pip install handadoc-client

Basic Usage

Setup file

The client is configured by using a .handadoc.yml configuration file. Mandatory fields are name, title, description and doc_location.

DocuSetup.NAME = 'name'

The documentation unique name, which also will be used as part of the resulting url at the handadoc webpage.

DocuSetup.DESCRIPTION = 'description'

The description which appears at the handadoc webpage.

DocuSetup.TITLE = 'title'

The title which appears at the handadoc webpage.

DocuSetup.DOC_LOCATION = 'doc_location'

The location of the static html documentation, which should be post to the handadoc webpage.

DocuSetup.SERVER_URL = 'server_url'

Base url of the handadoc server.

name: handadoc-client
title: Handadoc Client Documentation
description: >
    Documentation on how to use the handadoc-client within local repositories to
    package and post the build documentation to the handadoc webserver.
doc_location: docs/_build/html
# The server url is optional.
server_url: https://hand-over-a-doc

Commandline Utility

Make a configuration file within the current directory.

$ handadoc init

Make a configuration in another destination.

$ handadoc init --project-root-path=<another path>

Package and upload the current build documentation.

$ handadoc over
Username: user_at_handadoc


Indices and tables